Category: Drivel
Someone just reminded me of the idea that, as a doctoral student, I thought would bring me fame and glory – a dead-easy method of losing weight. You can …
Elitistreview started seven years ago today – hooray! I’m amazed it has continued for so long and actually got a lot better in recent years. My readers appear to …
I am out of hospital and feeling so much happier; my mood improved immeasurably as soon as I got home. I have to go back in a few weeks …
Update 29/12 I got out of hospital last night and have been asleep since then. I managed to avoid a trip to the loony bin – result! I’m really …
I’m sorry the posts have dried up this month; I am trying to shed some lard and necking bottles of wine followed by huge restaurant meals is not the …
If you get any emails saying you can get swine flu by eating tinned meat don’t worry, it is just spam.
I’m just back from France with a bag full of wine and a book full of notes. The notes will be written up and posted over the next few …
The National Health Service have set up a swine ‘flu helpline. I called it but all I heard was crackling.
Well, for two days leave, at least. If all is well I’ll report back to the bin on Wednesday morning and get discharged. I’m feeling pretty good. Over these …