Category: Drivel
Hooray! I’m out of the bin for another 70 minutes, and I just want to share some food porn with you. Go here.
Tonight I am drinking a couple of margaritas, the perfect recipe is here. This means no posts tonight. And none for a while, I’m afraid. Tomorrow I will see …
I managed to talk my way out of a trip to the bin, which is good, and I have medication to cheer me up. And if it doesn’t cheer …
I’m seeing the doctor this afternoon. If he knows what I’ve done to myself he’ll lock me up, but there is a chance I can stay out. If I …
I’m out of the bin, wehay! A tasting note will follow later tonight.
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the first time I tried to slash my wrists in the bath. An odd thing to remember, you may think. But, I have …
more fail, owned and pwned pics and videos
Last night I was invited to a ‘moustache party’, this is what I wore to it: Isn’t it horrible? I looked like a member of the British National Party. …
Many thanks to those of you who have sent me messages of support over the past few days. I am now out of the bin and feeling a lot …