Category: Other
Ten days before Christmas 2021 Team Elitistreview hosted Charles and Alex for a light lunch. They were very forgiving of us forgetting to put our lunch roast chicken into …
Last Thursday was a special day for The Editor and me: we got to meet our great friend – and notable supporter of Elitistreview – Keith Prothero for a …
The idea was to try a few wines of greater maturity than I normally open and save a bit for The Editor and I and our enlightened guests to …
How lovely it is to visit friends! Our chum Peter (Swedish expression) violently visited our other chums James and Katie during one of his rare visits to Blighty and …
I used to drink Domaine Tempier Bandol all the time. There was a shop in Oxford that sold La Migoua and La Tourtine 1990 for a tenner a bottle …
Given my youthful visage and playful attitude you may be surprised I was born almost forty years ago; my birthday party is in November. It’ll be a quiet little …
In a recent tasting note I said I bloody hate Grenache-based wines – they are normally too heavy, boozy and hard work. Given this, my excellent chum Lance Foyster, …
I really don’t have much time for Grenache-based wines. They are usually soupily boozed-up, with little real refinement or complexity. They are just so often fruit and alcohol bombs …
I hope you will forgive me if this is not my longest or most coherent article, things got a bit quaquaversal in the early hours of this morning. However, …
As this note appears online I will be heading into London for Clark Foyster’s 2011 Burgundy en primeur tasting – this the most desirable event of the Burgundy tasting …