In my post pleading and whining for gifts to cheer me up for my up-coming third birthday I promised I would model any gifts I got sent. Frankly I didn’t expect to receive anything but, would you believe it, apparently I’m loved enough to merit gifts! This feels a bit odd as I am currently so unhinged I have a very dim view of myself.
Well, below are pictures of me modelling my gifts. I’m a bit surprised that so many were given anonymously. The Editor denies they are all from him and, given his financial situation, he’s probably telling the truth. There are still nearly two weeks left so anyone who wants public naming and thanking can let me know. And there is also still plenty of time for more beezer gifts. Let me show them off!
First up is this rather nice monogrammed sweater from someone who declared they couldn’t bring themselves to get me training pants. I wonder why not? Anyway, this is a lovely sweater and will be most useful in the foul English winter.
Then two people kindly got my the ultimate type of shirt: flowery shirts! A red and a blue one in this case.
A few things in this picture. A rather lovely dinosaur t-shirt, some bright and jolly socks and a rather spiffy set of Bluetooth speakers which are simply cracking with my amazing new Windows 8 tablet.
Even though three might be a bit young to be telling the time and keeping too many appointments, the well-dressed toddler should have a watch. I’ve been sent this one:
Finally, I said I would model everything I was sent from my gift list and, unlike the unnamed person who sent me the sweater, someone was open-minded enough to send me some training pants. I also got some plastic pants and new pyjamas which Kisu the cat is helping me model in the picture below.
Many, many thanks all of you. The gifts I model in the final picture had me smiling earlier when I started the day sobbing. I’m really touched so many of you have been generous enough to cheer me up. If anyone wants to tell me who sent what I’d love to be able to thank you properly. But you’ve all made me a lot happier during a distinctly difficult time.
It really is lovely that so many people like me enough to send me gifts. I don’t like me.