I’ve just decanted the magnum of red we’ll be drinking with the neighbours tonight, seems better to write a tasting note now rather than be rude when they are around and bury my nose in a computer for a few minutes.
Bandol 2000, Domaine Gros Nore en magnum
A meaty, herbal nose, like some kind of stew enriched with prunes. No arsehole character at all, but it still has a degree of complexity and a nice earthiness. I love the scented, perfumed character of the nose, it is very fragrant. The palate has a very impressive tannic structure, some mature fruit, and more of the meaty herbal character. Fruit persists on the finish, but it is not terribly long. It has a degree of style and some charm for what is a bit of a tannic beast. This is pretty good, if not great, Bandol; much better than the [link2post id=”1373″]2001 I had eighteen months ago[/link2post].