Category: Non-alcoholic
I despise grocery shopping – supermarkets just bore me to tears. The only thing that allows me to survive a shopping trip is the promise that I can buy …
I had a rather late night last night, indeed it dragged into what could be called a somewhat dissolute mid-morning. Consequently, when I hauled myself out of bed bright …
The Nespresso coffee machine the partner gave me a couple of years ago has been quite the success story. From when I first got it the quality of coffee …
OK, let’s get to the point: this is one of the most wonderful coffees I’ve had in my life. Now if I may expand (it is the anti-psychotics*, they …
I went out into Town today to meet the partner for lunch. Damned-good lunch it was too. Before meeting up I went to a Nero Express coffee bar and …
When we were away for larks in Burgundy and Alsace my chum Non-Stinky Jeff ordered a bottle of iced tea at a drinking establishment. Cue sneers and disapproving looks. …
Not much of a post, I’m afraid, but I am charged with energy and need to write something. This is because I’ve had six of the super-brilliant ‘pure origin’ …
I neck about a litre of Diet Coke a day; the anti-psychotics I take sedate me and I rely on caffeine to lash my mind into a less moronic, …
I drank a few cans of Irn Bru (made in Scotland from girders) whilst in Edinburgh and didn’t have a freaking clue how to describe the taste. I shall …
The espresso machine is one of the best and most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever been given. I thought the Ristretto coffee pod was the best espresso I’d ever had, …