I know I’ve done a brief video tasting note of G. D. Vajra Moscato d’Asti, but having just gulped down another bottle I thought I’d say a little more.
One of the things you’ve got to avoid in Moscato, and is all too prevalent in the cheap ones, is that they smell and taste of soap. It’s really off-putting. There’s none of that with G. D. Vajra’s Moscato which I’ve drank LOADS of times.
It’s fresh and fruity with a powerful, refreshing fizz and so much density and complexity to it you are really wowed that a mere Moscato can demand so much from your tasting faculties.
Moscato doesn’t last (although I know a few loonies who have tried to age it. Why? Why?) and I suspect this 2012 will only remain at it’s drinking peak for a couple more months and slowly fall apart until it’s totally gone by the spring. But, new vintages come along and we drink them with joy, Especially if that are as good as this little blighter!
You can buy it at Wine Utopia.
on quickie.tumblr.com: http://quickie.elitistreview.com/post/63096117406