When you have someone who can cook goose fat roast potatoes as well as Editor Daniel you’d better be able to roast quality meat extremely well. Luckily, Hyden Organics provided this excellent chicken and I can.
I’ve written in more detail about Hyden Organics here and given the dead-easy instructions for roasting chicken here; today I did something a little different.
As usual, loads of butter and lemon juice under the skin, empty halves of the lemons shoved up its bum, but this time I also put a load of cloves of garlic under the skin. I chopped a load of chives and parsley over the bird, and shoved some up its bum, drizzled a bit of olive oil on top then gave it a liberal seasoning with salt and pepper.
It was a 2.5kg chicken, they’re biggies from Hyden, so I roasted it for 30 minutes at 210 Celsius then turned the heat down to 160 Celsius and opened the door for a minute to let the oven cool. I gave it a quick baste at this point. After 20 minutes I gave it another basting then 20 minutes later I whipped the bird out the oven, covered it in foil then let it rest for 30 minutes before carving.
It was brilliant. A deeply flavourful bird enhanced by garlic, lemon, chives parsley and butter, really intense flavours that pleased us no end. Dani’s roast potatoes were well up to their usual obscenely high standard. Since it was a big beast we ate one hell of a lot of top bird and still have a pile left for sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. A supreme quality meal that was worth every penny.
Many thanks to Hyden Organics, Dani, me and most of all the chicken for giving its all to make us extremely happy. The potatoes had no say in the matter.