Just a quick post to say many thanks to the 6516 unique visitors I have had to this site last year (not including non-viewed traffic), This is up from 3678 unique visitors in 2006. These 6516 visitors have made 18207 visits to my site and I have served up 74279 pages last year. I am touched that so many people have dropped by this spume of drivel and many of you keep coming back repeatedly. That being said, only 56 people have clicked on my advertising links; since they only pay out when one has earned $100, Google are yet to pay me anything. I may be an underground hit, but not with people who need wine tours, want to buy cheap wine, think they are drinking too much, or whatever Google chooses to advertise next.
Many thanks for stomaching my bonkers-ness and visiting so often. Happy New Year, one and all!
Happy New Year to you too – hope it is a good one for you. I love reading (and listening to) your witty and exuberant musings. Do keep it up ! To help you along my New Year Resolution is to make sure I click through every time I LOL. That should help quite a bit.
All the best
Happy New Year Chaps!
If only you could visit me I could justify opening some proper wines!
lots of love,
ps Peter, do send your address, then we can post your christmas card!