There will not be many, or probably any more, entries this week as I am completely out of wine. If I can manage to freeload a bottle from the neighbours I will, of course, write it up, but it is looking like quite a barren week for me as far as wine consumption goes.
I do have some wine in the flat, but that is for ageing and I am taking it to my cellar in Burgundy when we head off on Saturday. The trip promises to be a real laugh. There will be tastings and general drinking, all of which I shall write up either whilst I am there or on my return.
I’ve been practising my French for the trip; it is still hopeless, alas. All I hope is that we try a wine that I can describe as ‘bien loché’ (meaning ‘nice poonts’) and one where I can use the phrase ‘il y a du monde au balcon’ (meaning ‘well stacked’ if one makes the appropriate gesture). Yes, my French speaking ability just about stretches to phrases about tits, but not much further I am afraid.