Hooray, I’m the world’s favourite nutter!

When more morally flexible people learn I have paranoid schizophrenia they get a cheap thrill. They think they’ve found a great bit of ammunition they can use to shame, inconvenience or discredit me. Any reader of this site will know such things just won’t work. Not only am I charming and well-liked as well as being good at what I do, but also I am not the tiniest bit embarrassed about who I am, even if sometimes I am convinced the Wine Society’s finance lady (who is actually very lovely) is hunting me down with an enormous sniper rifle.

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In view of this, I try to assist the excellent mental health charity Rethink, and simultaneously massage my ego, by giving talks for them on my experiences with the illness. Some may recall [link2post id=”3385″]my sartorial brilliance when speaking in the Houses of Parliament[/link2post]. The talk wasn’t bad either, [link2post id=”3473″]got me a basket of fruit[/link2post]! This morning was also ego-enhancing as Rethink asked me to be interviewed for BBC Radio 4’s Today program on the subject of schizophrenia. It was only a short item, but very well-constructed and covered a lot of important points succinctly. I think it would be well worth you going to this page on the BBC’s Today program website in order to have a listen. I think Rethink should be very pleased with the piece, their chief executive said (as he often does) some excellent things. The only thing that would have improved it is if they had left my jokes in.