You may recall that I gave a talk in the Houses of Parliament on behalf of the excellent charity Rethink on the subject of being a nutcase (with wine references, of course); I reposted the talk [link2post id=”3385″]here[/link2post] if you are vaguely interested. Today I was rather surprised to receive a basket of fruit from them by way of thanks.
Long-term readers may be aware that fruit is not really my thing unless it has been fermented, pressed and bottled, but I am distinctly moved that the Rethink girls and boys were pleased with my efforts enough to send me this token of gratitude. Of course, we don’t assist charities for any personal reward, I hope my talk had some small influence on the policy-makers I addressed, but it is quite pleasing to be appreciated. Many thanks, Victoria, Anja, Antonia and the rest of the Rethink campaigns team; if ever I can be of service in the future then please do not hesitate to ask.