After having Google click-through adverts on my site for almost exactly two years I have finally earned enough from them to get paid. Wehay! This means my monthly income from writing Elitist Review is a staggering £2.51. I cannot quite paint the town red with that amount.
I would ask that all those who come here click on an advertising link, but I am just flattered that people come here and read my spume of drivel in the first place. All the same, many thanks to those who have clicked on a link. I’ll buy a bottle of wine with the cash and write it up.
David, will try to do my bit, though having links like “Buy Cheap Wine Online” etc aren’t really very ER ! Enjoy the fruit of your efforts !
There are worse links than ‘buy cheap wine’, alas. I am scandalised every time I see and advert claiming to offer help for people who comsume excessive amounts of alcohol. It’d be more ER is they encouraged excessive alcohol consumption. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, after all.