We were in Edinburgh at the weekend, and so we thought it a good idea to buy the neighbours a gift for cat-sitting. They love whisky and I am well-aware that you don’t get much better whisky than the single-cask, cask-strength whiskies you can buy from Cadenhead.
They have an enormous range on offer, including many from distilleries that are now closed. Because they are cask-strength (undiluted, unlike most whiskies you will buy) they range between 50-60+%. They are also not chill-filtered, so contain minuscule amounts of fusil oils which go cloudy should you add water. Finally, they are not coloured with caramel, the colour you see is the colour they come out of the cask. I will get the neighbours to post a guest tasting note here when they pop it.
Sadly, even though I have spent vast quantities of cash trying to appreciate whisky, I cannot stand the stuff. So we got ourselves some of the other things Cadenhead do incredibly well: single-cask rum. Our choice was a 14 year old Demerara rum which clocked in at 70.6%, wehay!
You can find Cadenhead online here.