Category: London
Guest blogger Jeff Home reports on Sunday lunch at our local boozer. Every Sunday around midday across our fine country, publicans arrange chairs around tables, adjust their horn-rimmed glasses …
Hawksmoor most definitely delivered a ludicrously high quality lunch experience. There are no words I can add to this picture: Shame about the background lettuce, eh?
Fast food
The City is slightly un-nerving at the weekend, all of those tiny, winding streets between skyscrapers that are totally devoid of people make me more than a hint spooked. …
When I meet my friends the conversation invariably turns to the subject of wine. Consequently it is a great compliment to Sakana Tei, an unassuming little Japanese restaurant just …
On Thursday I took a break from the radical weight loss program to enjoy lunch at Santa Maria Pizzeria – ranked by Time Out as London’s best pizza establishment. …
On Tuesday evening I was lucky enough to be invited to London’s newest hyper-fashionable dining establishment: Tom’s Terrace. The ‘Tom’ in question is the Michelin-starred chef Tom Aiken (he …
Sometimes emailed invitations are too tempting to turn down. The offer of a Hawksmoor burger and a taste of the new sandwiches they’ll be offering at their soon-to-be-opened Covent …
Sometimes you really need a serious, meat-charged breakfast. After a heavy Friday or Saturday night on the lash you may find yourself with such requirements; you will be well …
Surely by now everyone knows that Hawksmoor is easily the best meat restaurant in London? If you go there for lunch you’ll have this truth made plentifully clear to …
As soon as I had a taste of one of the three real ales on offer at the Harwood Arms in Fulham I felt confident we were in for …