Update 29/12
I got out of hospital last night and have been asleep since then. I managed to avoid a trip to the loony bin – result!
I’m really touched by all of your kind words – it makes it a lot harder to hate myself when so many people obviously don’t. Many thanks.
I shall try to resume normal service as soon as I can.
In his suicide note the Polish novelist Jerzy Kosinski tells us:
I am going to put myself to sleep now for a bit longer than usual. Call the time Eternity
That is more erudite than I can manage. Goodbye.
Update! – David is in hospital following a thankfully unsuccessful suicide attempt last night. He is expected to make a full recovery, but will undoubtedly be out of action for some days. Please don’t hesitate to post a comment or send him an e-mail if you want to send him a message.
I will update this post when I have more news. /Daniel
Though we’ve never met, my life has been touched by your writings. I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. You’re a brilliant man David, I hope to read more of your thoughts. More importantly, I look forward to the day you see value yourself as others do.
Wishing both of you well.
-Ed Murray
Best wishes from Milo & Bethan – we hope you feel better soon.
Dear David,
My best wishes and hopes for a full recovery. I’ve always enjoyed your witty, lucid, and perceptive comments, and not only about wine. I hope that you come to realize that the adventure of life, while sometimes daunting, is always full of unexpected pleasures and pleasant surprises. It’s never as bad as it might seem.
All the best,
Peter Kleban
Wishes for a full recovery, You posses a rare wit that makes the world a better place.
David – The world would be a darker place without your luminous prose. Please don’t go. – A Fan
So sorry to hear you are unwell – getting better quickly I hope. Echo the thoughts of all those that care about you in terms of wanting you well very soon and wanting you back again sharing all your knowledge, skills & accomplishments with us all !
I am particularly looking forward to seeing that red jacket of yours weaving in and out of a tasting ‘throng’ this year having just missed you at Loebs event in September. I know you share my regard for the wines of the wonderful Arlaud family – lets us share one or two (or more than that) when your soon back ? Hold me to it eh ?
Cheers matey !
Mark G
Please get well soon. So sorry to hear of this news. When you are feeling better would like to visit with Dad at some point soon.
Helen x
Another Berserker here who finds your notes to be (by far) the most fun to read at that site.
Be well, David.
David – very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your tasting notes far outshine the dreary nonsense encountered far too frequently elsewhere. Looking forward to you being back soon.
David, So sorry to hear you are unwell – getting better quickly I hope. Echo the thoughts of all those that care about you in terms of wanting you well very soon and wanting you back again sharing all your knowledge, skills & accomplishments with us all ! I am particularly looking forward to seeing that red jacket of yours weaving in and out of a tasting ‘throng’ this year having just missed you at Loebs event in September. I know you share my regard for the wines of the wonderful Arlaud family – lets us share one or two (or more than that) when your soon back ? Hold me to it eh ? Cheers matey ! Mark G
Nice man! Get back on that horse. 🙂
Dear David,
Please forgive me if this is out of place. I’ve been battling the “black dog” for several decades and have been in many forms of treatment. The only one I have found to be of some help — and only since these past twelve months — is Act (pronounced as the word, act, and stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).
The site, http://www.actmindfully.com.au/home has a lot of useful information. It (the therapy) appealed to me because it is an evidence-based therapy, and there is a good body of research pointing to its efficacy.
For the first time, I can see some light at the end of the tunnel, instead of a tunnel at the end of the light.
My sincere regards,
David, my first impulse was to type the stunningly inappropriate words “as usual I’m late to the party”. So much for impulses. I am, however, undeniably late in adding my voice to the others above in sending my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your words never fail to provoke thought and amusement, and I look forward to reading them for many more years. Be well.