Someone knows what I like

I’ve been sent a little gift, hooray! It is a little vase from the Indus valley – Harappan, I’m told, dating from between 1800BCE and 2800BCE. It is only about 5cm tall but I am rather taken with it.

[image image_id=”4848″ size=”medium” align=”left”]

Quite a looker, eh? I am terribly grateful to those few people who have sent me gifts. Not only is it nice to know that people like the drivel I write on Elitistreview but also, given my appalling financial state, there is no way I can afford to buy lovely little things like this vase no matter how much I crave them. I think our lives are improved by owning beautiful things, so I’m terribly grateful to those who have provided me with a bit of aesthetic illumination.

At gun-point I might be forced to admit I have a very slight preference for my [link2post id=”4190″]pre-historic caviar bowl[/link2post], but it doesn’t really matter – I love all of my ceramics.